Rock On!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I'm sitting at the computers at the college Library...bored out of my mind. I had spanish this morning, then I went strait to physics, and now I'm waiting to go to physics lab. Anyways, I decided to actually post this pic last night, and if any of you watch Rockstar Supernova, then you totally get it. If not...then have fun trying to figure it out. All I"m going to tell you is that EVS is now the coolest catch phrase ever invented! I think that Toby and Magni should totally get together as The Thunder from Downunder and The Iceman, and form a band called EVS! That would sooooooo totally rock, and I would go to their concert, for sure.
Right now, though, I'm trying to get my dad to take me to the Supernove show when they come to Dallas. That would be so much fun! I think I might just be able to talk him into is as long as Lucas doesn't become their lead singer. ;-)
On another note, at this moment in time I'm actually trying to figure out if I want to have a graduation or not. I've allready thought of all the pro's and con's, but I thought I would get other people opoinons. So if you have any thoughts on how important a highschool graduation really is, let me know! Actually I'm trying to talk my dad into taking me to England instead of paying for a graduation...I think it sounds so much neater! I also think I would remember it more fondly.
So give me your feed back! and allways remember EVS!!!!!!!!!
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