
Movie Review

So, I finally got to see a movie this past week, which I've been waiting forever to see. "Covenant" came out a couple of weeks ago, so maybe a few of you have seen it already. I actually kind of liked it, so I thought I might do a movie review for it.

The Covenant stars Steven Strait (as Caleb Danvers), Tayler Kitsch (as Pogue Parry), Toby Hemingway (as Reid Garwin), and Chace Crawford (as Tyler Sims). These four boys make up the the Sons of Ipswitch...and that's about all I can tell you if I don't want to give away the plot. Here's what IMDb has to say about it:

"Plot Outline: Four young men who belong to a supernatural legacy are charged with stopping the evil force they released into the world years earlier. Another great force they must contend with is the jealousy and suspicion that threatens to tear them apart."

I'm learning about the Salem witch trials in American History right now...and I have to say, this movies spin on it (in a new modern light) was kind of fun, and I loved some of the mythological characters they used. The graphics totally rocked, and plot developement was pretty good...I would have liked to have seen them develop some of their characters more (such as Reid Garwin and Tyler Sims, who don't have nearly enough screen time). But you basicly got to know the main people pretty well, without making the movie too long. Also, I found some of the fight scenes kind of drawn out...but really cool. The beginning of the movie was in my mind one of the coolest...you can actually see part of it if you watch the movie trailer.

Overall, it was a good movie, predictable, but good. Oh, and all the hot guys are a total bonus ;-) So, can you guess who my faverite character is? If you can...I'll...email you a free song if you have high speed internet ;-)

Hint: He also said my favorite line in the movie (pardon the language) -
"Harry Potter can kiss my ass."
So true...so true... ;-p


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