Top Gun

Yesterday has got to have been one of the funnest days I've had since the start of the school year, because I had the wonderful chance to go to the Alliance Air Show. Every year the local Joint Reserve Naval Air base puts on a air show. This year they combined it with the Alliance Airport's air show and gave everyone a chance to come out and see all the airplanes for free (if you don't count the 10 dollar fee for parking). Luckily, since my dad got some special armbands from his work, we where allowed to sit in the Lockheed section, which

The air show had some of the coolest airplanes on display, including a American Airlines jet, World War I and II planes, different military transport and bombing planes, an F-15, F-18, MiG-15, and a couple F-16s (the planes my dad works on). They also had a really cool air acrobatic act, including the Bulldog...which was soooooo totally cool.

The Air show also included a F-15, which was amazing to let me tell you, nothing compares to the sound and the feel of one of those planes taking off (all though my mom does say the plane she used to work on in the Air Force where much louder). The ground shakes and you can just feel your heart pounding as the plane rumbles down the runway. You might think I'm crazy for thinking that was fun, but trust me, you have to experience it for yourself before you judge.
Also they had a F-18 fly, which is actually a naval aircraft since they are designed to land on aircraft carriers. It was quite neat because they showcased a one of the first naval airplanes along with the F-18, as a tribute to all those who served in the navy.

After that, they had a reenactment of Pearl Harbor, including planes of that era and mock

Probably my second favorite part of the day was watching the F-16 from Lockheed Martin take to the air in all its glory. I have to say it made the F-15 and 18 look like nothing. It has some of

Overall, I loved the Air Show and can't wait to go back next year. I now have a weirdly uneven sunburn, but it was well worth it! I'll just have to remember to wear more sunblock next year... ;-)

Wow that is amazing... last year I went to an air show, but it definently wasn't as cool as yours. We watched the Blue Angels (I tihnk that's their name ~_^ hehe...) and... some... other kinds... hehe. Yeah I can't really remember anything except for the Blue Angels, and they were sooo awesome. Have you ever seen those?
[MouthHouse Person]
Yeah. The Alliance airshow is awesome. I went several years ago, and I agree that the Thunderbirds do the neatest stunts. I wanted to go this year, but we were out of town when it happened. :-(
Who took the SAT today.
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