

I need your HELP! I have a 8,000 word paper due in a couple of weeks, and it requires quite a bit of primary research. I'm writing an analytical research paper looking at the question, "How does the news media influence the average American's perspective on war?" For this research I've come up with a 14 question poll, and I need a lot of feed back on it. So, if ya'll have a few minutes, I have some simple questions to ask you. I'm trying to understand how much the news media has an influence, so I need you to answer truthfully!

Oh and if you could just leave your answers as comments or email them to me at Goodmorning88@uwmail.com, that would be great! The Poll is as follows:

Influence Poll

Please answer these questions to the best of your ability by circling, “x”ing, or writing the appropriate answer.

1. What is your main source for news? ____

  1. TV news
  2. Newspapers
  3. Online resources
  4. Radio news
  5. Alternative resources or other

2. What general TV sources do you watch? ____

  1. CNN
  2. Fox News
  3. National News
  4. Local News
  5. Other

3. What newspapers do you read? ____

  1. Washington Post
  2. New York times
  3. LA Times
  4. USA Today
  5. Local newspapers
  6. Other

4. Does your choice in media tend to ____

  1. Fit your point of view
  2. Go against your point of view
  3. I don’t care, because I don’t have a news source.

5. How many stories do you see (hear, read, etc.) each week that show positive achievements of the war in Iraq?____

  1. 0-1
  2. 2-3
  3. 4-5
  4. 6-10
  5. 10 or more

6. How many stories do you see (hear, read, etc.) each week that show negative achievements of the war in Iraq? ____

  1. 0-1
  2. 2-3
  3. 4-5
  4. 6-10
  5. 10 or more

7. What is your point of view of the War in Iraq? ____

  1. I’m for the War.
  2. I’m against the War.
  3. I don’t really care, so therefore I am neutral.

8. What is your point of view on the Vietnam War? ____

  1. It was a mistake and we should have never gotten involved
  2. We should have stayed and finished
  3. Why does it matter? It’s over said and done.

9. What is your point of view on World Wars I & II? ____

  1. America did a great service to the world!
  2. We should have stayed out of it (aka been like Switzerland).
  3. We were on the wrong side.
  4. I don’t really care.

10. How much news do you actually keep track of? ____

  1. I check my news sources four or more times a day.
  2. I check my news source a few times a day.
  3. I check it once daily.
  4. I check it once a month.
  5. What news source?

11. Do you think the media has any influence on what you think of war? _____

  1. Yes, a great influence.
  2. Slightly, it’s impossible for it not to have any influence.
  3. No, not at all.
  4. I have no earthly idea.

12. What is your age? ____

  1. 16-19
  2. 20-30
  3. 30-40
  4. 40-50
  5. 50 or more

13. What gender are you? ____

  1. Male
  2. Female

14. What social class do you consider yourself to be a part of? ____

  1. Lower class
  2. Middle class
  3. Upper class
  4. I’ve got more money than I know what to do with.


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