

AND WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!!!!! Kennedy has correctly guessed my name....well pretty much guessed it. I decided it was sooooo close that I had to just give it to him. It does not mean "Only Shadow", but "Solitary Shadow" in old Englsih. (see, it's close enough ;-p) So congrats K Dude!!! I'll be getting you a cd full of different song....hopefully pretty soon. Luckly you go to my church, so I don't have to worry about mailing it to ya ;-)

For all of you who are wondering why in the world I picked this name, it's because of what it means to me. I've always been kind of loner, because I don't have to many friends and those I have mostly live out of state. Also, as every teen does, I feel like a shadow following in the foot steps of all those who have gone before me in this great adventure called life. "Solitary Shadow" really represents who I am, so I'm really happy to have found such a cool name like this.

So, Thanks to all that have been trying to guess! And Rea you were soooooooo very close.....to bad it's not an Old English Poem ;-)

The Agent of the Shadows



This is going to be my new main Blog for now on....I felt that I had out grown GevilPixy in some ways (and this new blog is safer because I actually never post my name on it)....I mean I'll always be the AgentPixy, but I've kind of become quite fond of this new name. I bet none of you can guess what it means ;-p

This website still looks like the old one though....and GevilPixy is still one of the coolest names! But I just loved this new one so much, I think it defines who I am in so many ways. I promise to also post on here more often! (or at least I hope to!)

So, anyways, hope you like it! And the first person to figure out the hidden meaning behind my name gets....um....a cd of mixed songs, that I will give to them when I see them....when ever that is! (Did any of you understand that....probably not...oh well)

*Hint* The name is in another language that is no longer used today.