
Gifts for Holiday Cheer! (advertisement!)

Okay...do you have a little problem of not being able to find that gift for the perfect someone this Christmas or New Year? Well, I think I've found the answer to this little problem, in one website. I wish I had thought about it before Christmas, but sadly, I just remembered it now...so it's to late for me to buy anything. But, who knows, I might keep it in mind for next year ;-)

The website is Despair, Inc. and they have a wide range of products for every person on your Christmas list. For Example:

For that annoying sister who's more worried about her looks and spends hours on end hosed up in the bath room:

For the future President in your family:


For the future businessman:


For the teenager who's trying to find their place in the world:


For the chronically depressed:


For the future Sith Lord on your Christmas list:

And finally, for the Elderly:

I hope you guys check out the link and look through all their merchandise. These are just a few of the wonderful pieces that you can get on calenders and other items. Aren't they the coolest gifts ever?! So, head on over to Despair, Inc. and give them a look over!

Now, to leave you, I'm going to show the one I want for Christmas ;-)


My life this past week...

Well, if any of y'all are wondering what I've been up to here lately...here's the lowdown:

This past week (Dec. 8th, 2006) I performed in Baller Concerto's "Holiday Special", so I've been living up at the studio, doing rehearsals. The pictures I have posted around the page are from that performance (I'm behind the camera so I'm not in any of them). The performance in the morning was so much fun, because it was for a bunch of school kids who might not get a chance to normally see a ballet. We literally had a full house...they even had to use the balcony! The kids are always so cute too. Laughing at all the right places and just being such a wonderfully fun crowed. The evening performance was also fun, but I think I'll always remember the morning one more...because it seemed to be more eventful, I guess.

After that, on Monday, I did one of the stupidest things I've ever done. I decided that even though I forgot my pointe pads, I would go ahead and dance on pointe...like I said, stupid! Okay...I have five blisters that popped and the skin then ripped off. I can't were tennis shoes, I have to doctor them up at least three times a day, and they bloody freakin hurt. It's even hard to sleep at night because they throb. Even though it's painful, I can't help but be sadisticly happy, because these are the first blisters I've ever gotten on pointe...it's kind of like a badge of honer in a way...I know, I'm crazy! What's next? Will I through a party for the first lost toe nail?...darn, I've already done that ;-) Don't let anyone ever tell you that dancers are sissy, they know how to handle pain.

Saturday I had my ACT test, so I had to be up bright and early. Nothing happened throughout the test...and even if it did, I'm not allowed to disclose any information about it ;-) The funniest part was afterwards. You know what's even funnier than a bunch of college students driving around in the parking lot? A bunch of high school students all trying to leave the college parking lot at the same time. I stood safely on the sidewalk and observed them for at least 15 min., trying not to laugh to noticeably (I failed miserably). It was like bumper cars! Sooooo very much entertaining...hehe, I can't help but laugh just remembering it!

After that, it was on to finals week up at the college. I had my Spanish final Monday, Physics final Wednesday (which are teacher actually forgot about and arrived late), and my History final today (Friday). I think I did well on all of them...but I guess my grades can only tell.

In other news, I finally got a HT blog, entitled "Kelsey Fischer's Blog." So feel free to check it out and let me know what you think. Although, I must warn you that it is a Lutheran Teen magazine and I am of the LCMS Lutheran faith...so if you aren't Lutheran you might not get some of the theology and don't get mad at me if you disagree, instead I suggest talking to one of the Pastors on Higher Things, if you want to argue about theology. I will never, ever claim to be a theologian. I simply know, what I know from Bible Study and asking said Pastors (and my own church Pastor) about the subjects. So, you'd be better off going directly to the source.

Well...that's about it for my life...pretty boring really. Oh! I did see Eragon today...I wrote a review on my HT blog, so feel free to read that too...

P.S. I'll try to remember to update my blogs more often ;-)


What Type of Reader are You?

I nicked this off of my sister-in-law and thought it was funny...and quite truthful when it comes to me and my reading habits. Leaves you wondering, what kind of ready are you? Guess you'll just have to take the quiz and find out ;-p

What Kind of Reader Are You?
Your Result: Dedicated Reader

You are always trying to find the time to get back to your book. You are convinced that the world would be a much better place if only everyone read more.

Literate Good Citizen
Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm
Book Snob
Fad Reader
What Kind of Reader Are You?
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