What's Wrong With This Country?
Okay...I've had it with the freakin idiots in this country. Our country is literally destroying it's self. Take this New Law they want to pass about the illegal aliens for example. Why the heck do we even have a system if we are not going to enforce it. I mean, if they aren't going to get in trouble for coming into the country and not going through our system, then why should I obey the laws that I'm under. Should I have to follow the speed limit or stop at the stop signs? They don't have to become an American, or pay taxes, so why should I (an American) half too?
I live close to the boarder, and believe me, it ain't pretty. All the people claiming that Texas is actually their land! OMGosh...do they not know history! I can't help it they have a crappy country, but why do they have to come here and make our country jsut like ours?! If they love their country so much, why don't they stay there? I'm tired of it all. I'm really starting to get so mad.
If you want to know something really frustrating...I was jsut on a chat, talking to a kid that new nothing about this. AND HE DIDN'T CARE!!!! He kept saying Salvation is the answer. There is no possible way that this Country will ever become all Christian...and I’m tired of people thinking it will. I mean, I here it everyday...the answer is to make this country Christian again. Arg! We were never really Christian in the first place, and that is not going to solve our problems!! I know this world is full of sin, but we can try. Try to have a country were we are free. But, that is no longer what we have to look forward too...we are slipping away from that ideal day by day.
The sad thing is, people don't care. How many of you truthfully watch the news (discerningly) and read about what is going on with our country? I know way to many people who like living in their own little world, not caring what happens to us, and not caring about what happens to this country.
I guess what really makes me mad is that I love this Country...I love it soooo much! The Land of the Free! The Home of the Brave! And I want that for my children and my grandchildren. I want them to have a chance to live in Freedom, and with the way we are going, that's not going to happen. If you must now, I am very prideful when it comes to my country and to my state, but with what is happening I find that pride and love dying day by day. It almost brings me to tears to think that Lady Liberty may just become a figment of the forgotten past. My children may never now the joy of watching the Stars and Stripes Fly free in all its glory and grace. They may never here our National Anthem be so cherished and beloved. Does it really kill the American people to just care a little for our future? From were I'm standing right now, there is no future for our country.
Is this what we want for our people? Is this what we want for the next generation? Think about it. are we so self-centered and uncaring, that we won't even stand up for what is right?
America was built on Freedom, and the backs of hard workingmen and women just like you and me. Are we really going to let all that this country stands for go to hell? I say we take a stand, starting with protecting our borders. So that this is a country that we all can once again be proud of.