trip of a lifetime...or will it take a lifetime!

Howdy y'all!!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, it's been a long time since I've had a chance to hop on the web. Right now I'm actually in N.C. at my Grandad's and Grandma's house. Your probably wondering how I got here...well that's a very long story so just sit back and relax!
First it started with my beloved older brother getting hitched in Wisconsin on the 5th. The wedding was great, and I'm hoping I'll be able to post some pics for all you MHers out there, but that will have to wait until I get back. From the wedding my mom and me were off in our little rental car (a ford focus) to South Bend Indiana, were we visited with the Rhein's family, and also some other MH families that were there. That was sooooo much fun! I miss y'all and you better stay in touch!!!!
Anyways, from that point we went on our way, which just happened to be the long road to Maryland. It took a good two day's drive, but we finally made it to my Aunt Erma's and Uncle Bill's house. We had a really nice visit, and I got to talk to my godfather Tim on the phone...which, if you don't know the story about him....then ask me sometime on Aim.
After spending a day there we drove on down to Sparta N.C. and visited even more family. We spent about a week there, and let me tell you, the East coast mountains are just breath taking! It's so beautiful up there!
Ok, are you tired of this yet, well there's more! After that leg of the trip we headed down to My Uncle J's and Aunt Nora's...lets just say seeing my youngest cousins only every two years, makes you relize just how much a person grows in that time! After staying a night there, we headed down to were I am now. Stuck here in the great south! I'm glad to be down here....believe me all those northern people start to scare me after a while ;-)
Well, that's been my trip so far. I've been through about 10 different states, and I have quite a few more to go!
So this is the traveling AgentPixy007.....saying hello from her secret mission to the eastern part of the country! Adios for now!